New IDC publications at ICHIM 2007
The IDC will be well represented at the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting (ICHIM 07) in Toronto at the end of October. Two papers featuring IDC work have been accepted to the conference:
“Visitors’ contributions as cultural heritage: designing for participation”, by Luigina Ciolfi, Liam Bannon and Mikael Fernström, discusses the approach to designing interactive exhibitions that allow for visitors’ interactive participation, such as “Re-Tracing the Past” and the “Shannon Portal”.
“MUSTEL: Framing the Design of Technology-Enhanced Learning Activities for Museum Visitors” presents a novel frame to designing educational museums technologies developed by the MUSTEL group within the EU Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence. Liam Bannon wrote the paper in collaboration with Palmyre Pierroux and Dagny Stuedahl (University of Oslo, Norway), Kevin Walker (London Knowledge Lab), Victor Kaptelinin (Umeå University, Sweden) and Tony Hall (National University of Ireland, Galway).