Re-designing news

Re-designing news; an interaction design perspective on digital news transformation  

The recent rise of digital innovation has changed the news landscape drastically. These technological advancements have increased accessibility and faster feedback mechanisms. Yet they seem to reproduce not only old issues like dis-information and mis-appropriation of information as in passive acceptance and extremism, but also open to new concerning issues like fake news, data oriented persuasions and algorithm driven idea polarisation. However studying this new landscape and its problematic consequences is not an effortless one due to the blurring boundaries between news producers, curators and consumers as well as the production, curation and consumption processes and tools. The research expects to examine these entangled roles, processes and tools by employing theories from Science and Technology Studies, Human-Computer Interaction & news studies. Acknowledging these sociological and technological findings , the study then expects to propose a new design interaction concept for news experience that could address above problematic consequences of the news experience. 

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